0405204178 / 0405 204 178
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Please share your idea about 0405204178 / 0405 204 178.
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Your sincere word will be of great help to everyone.
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
Keeping getting abusing calls by a guy on this number that’s name is Idris eser from chosen flooring pty Ltd saying we owe he’s company money scam artist be aware from this guy and he’s company he’s a very bad guy
2021-10-06 11:45:48 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
Flooring job scam
2021-10-06 11:29:55 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
Got a call from this number from this scam artist saying I owe he large amounts of money making treats to me don’t answer to this number block it like I have done
2021-10-06 11:28:54 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
Be aware from this number Got a call from this number early hours of the morning the guy said He had a warrant out for me arrest that he was from the ato
2021-09-07 11:33:48 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
Saying I owe him money
2021-09-06 14:10:43 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Company ( Safety Score: rating star )
Company scam flooring
2021-09-06 14:09:22 (*.*.204.14) report
Call Type: Company ( Safety Score: rating star )
Selling cheap quality timber imports from China be aware of this company and bad job installing as well very rude owner and don’t even answer calls leaving customers with unfinished jobs and don’t know we’re we stand or if they are coming back to finish the job be aware
2021-09-05 10:31:02 (*.*.204.14) report
If you're concerned that a phone call, SMS, voicemail or email claiming to be from the ATO is not genuine, don’t reply to it. Instead you should either:

phone ATO on 1800 008 540

An example of this type of scam is available below:

Audio recording of suspended TFN scam (MP3 82KB)
2024-06-16 22:10:22 ( advisor )
Type: Mobile
International Phone Number : +61 405204178
Hits : 370
Date : 2024-06-16 22:10:22
Safety score of 0405 204 178
1 out of 5 based on 7 user ratings.
* The lower the score, the lower the safety.
03 8514 9496
Civic Transport, courier company, called to let me know the delivery man was downstairs 2024-06-07 15:24:21 (*.*.38.225)
02 8688 0100
Called but did not leave a message. 2024-05-30 11:15:31 (*.*.22.114)
0439 787 204
call back and states collection team out of hours 2024-05-14 19:47:09 (*.*.ca0e.4900)
0413 106 533
seems good 2024-05-10 10:09:43 (*.*.174.77)
02 6190 6054
scammer calling from this service number, do not get trap in scam 2024-05-08 13:57:36 (*.*.220.221)
0403 729 903
If someone calls and does not leave voicemail, then its a scam or unwanted call. Your safety call score card should also be able to select zero. 2024-04-22 11:38:59 (*.*.21.146)
09 2170 5094 Hits 5 / 22:10:22
0405 204 178 Hits 370 / 22:10:22
34 7759 5863 Hits 9 / 22:10:20
34 8613 2453 Hits 3 / 22:10:19
053731768 Hits 7 / 22:10:19
51 8612 0510 Hits 8 / 22:10:18
03 8441 1354 Hits 2 / 22:10:18